Make My Dream Foundation has come ahead with another mode of self-reliance for its candidates in February 2015. We started making handmade paper bags of different sizes with paintings over it, quelling greeting cards, envelopes painting etc.
Our special children after performing daily hectic chores take out some time for this activity. This gives them an opportunity to self-earn and a sense of achievement.
We have created additional mode of finance through this activity towards rehabilitation of these special ones. We would like to reach out to maximum number of candidates in near future. This is also our first step towards making our NGO self-reliant.
These special children have hidden potential, skill, creativity but they are unaware of it. We try to work on it and explore their skill and make use of this for their own progress and development of NGO. Such activities, provides new opportunities and ideas for these children to overcome their poor socio-economic background.
They get lot of happiness after making creative designs, paintings. In all, this is a process of creativity and satisfaction. This also boosts their confidence, make aware about marketing skills, expose to management skills etc.
Through Make My Dream Foundation Platform, we try to provide varied opportunities of self-reliance to these special ones and to get introduce themselves with this activity. It’s really a joyful giving and receiving.